Monday, January 26, 2009

Back in Business

Saturday- Loooooong Way to Go....

So my blog finally got turned back on by Blogger. Apparently a site that I had to map out a workout was flagged as a spam attack. Glad thats over! Since my incredible experience with the Utah Half and then the Larry H Miller Tour de Utah 300 Ride, I decided to give the workouts a little break.

Wakeboarding one day at the lake turned my world upside down when I tore my MCL. No surgery was needed but it was serious enough that I was left on the DL for a long time. 4 months and 35 pounds later I am back in action!

You will notice my workouts are quite a bit less intense- because that's all I can handle right now!

So here was Saturday's Workout:


Hand stands

30 min AFAP- 3.15 miles (UGLY!)
Get HR down to 100 (as long as it takes)
5k row for time- 20:57 (UGLY!)


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